Marketing Programs


Help your clients create a reliable retirement income AND preserve their financial assets with IncomePLUS!

Brokers Edge Annuity and Life Marketing is pleased to introduce our new tool to help you better serve clients concerned about creating a retirement paycheck without exhausting their savings.

IncomePLUS is defined as “Income” and the acronym PLUS, which stands for Preferred Laddering Utilization Strategy. Brokers Edge can now help contracted producers create a customized presentation to show clients and prospects possible strategies to create their ongoing retirement paycheck, while protecting and growing their nest egg at the same time.

Want to learn more? Call yourBrokers Edge Marketing Advisor at 800-710-1115 for details on the illustration and the rest of our  IncomePLUS Marketing System! We can give you assistance for a personalized a direct mail prospecting campaign, client approach pieces, fact-finder and more.